

Adult Class

Being An Influence For Christ Class 3

December 2007-February 2008


            We already saw that those who are not affiliated with any church group are often interested in the gospel of Jesus. There are many reasons why they have not affiliated themselves with a group already. At times, we may think that reaching these people with the gospel will demand resources that we just don’t have. The truth is borne out by statistical studies done by several research organizations (Thom Rainer and Outreach magazine are two examples).

            Here are the things we really need in order to reach unchurched people:


  1. We need to want to do this—2 Corinthians 4:13-14; 5:16-21.
    This does not mean that we must all conduct home Bible studies, learn to talk to strangers eagerly or become salespeople. However, we need to want to help people draw closer to God through Jesus. That will mean a few things:
     * We must use our gifts. We need to welcome people, include them, bless them, teach them and model Christian conduct for them to see.
     * We must have compassion for the lost. They have the same struggles that we have in life, yet they must face them without Christ, and without hope. See Ephesians 2:11-12.
     * We must be part of this team. We must accept Jesus’ commission to reach the lost and take ownership of that commission as our responsibility. This is more than attendance at worship and giving a contribution. This is getting involved in the success of outreach here. We know we’re truly involved when we mention it in our daily prayers!

  2. We need to plan for their arrival—James 2:1-4.
    We have an obligation from God to treat all people well. So, we must be ready for their visit.
     * Make the facility ready. Plan for extra space in parking, in Bible classes, in the auditorium and all other public spaces.
     * Be ready to answer the questions a visitor might ask: Who’s the pastor here? Where’s the piano? Where’s the choir? What do you folks do here? Where are the restrooms? Put yourself in the place of a visitor, and try to make him comfortable!

  3. We need to focus on the important things—Acts 6:1-4.
    The important things cluster around transformation in Christ. They include this new life in Christ, building up the family here, and bringing more people to Jesus. We don’t want to allow ourselves to be sidetracked by unimportant matters or by personality conflicts. We’re going to make a difference here!

  4. We need to be Biblical, conservative and convictional—Acts 8:26-40.
    One of the surprises found in church growth research has been the rapid and steep decline among “inclusive” religious groups that set aside Bible teaching in favor of a message of unconditional acceptance. By contrast, religious groups that hold to Biblical standards of right and wrong and are unapologetic about moral truth have experienced rapid and sustained growth.
    We need to keep a very high view of the Scriptures because that honors God. In His wisdom, we learn that it also draws people. We need strong, deep and relevant Biblical teaching from the pulpit and in all classes.

  5. We need to look for new friends in new people—Acts 9:26, 27, then 28-31.
    Over and over we learn that relationships are key in reaching and retaining people. We don’t have to be a “glad-hander,” but we do need to show interest in our newest family members and find out what interests we share. We will discover that they have common ground with somebody in the congregation—and we will also learn how interesting our brethren are!


            It is important to notice in all these things that what we need is attitudinal, not material. In order to reach unchurched people with the gospel of Christ, we don’t need anything money can buy. We don’t need new personnel, new leadership or more staff people. We don’t need permission or performance from anybody else to make this possible to us.

            What we need is the conviction that Jesus wants to reach as many people with the gospel message as possible, and that we are His instrument to do that here. It is the task of the entire church, and every member can have an important role in fulfilling His will.